Tuesday, December 25, 2012

the last but not least

Hi... It's been a long time since my last post. I don't know what to write but I just wanna post pics that I collect and make in my spare time. So just enjoy it !! :)
this is me,what 'bout you ??

don't know why but it always happen to me :(
really luv this one

these will be my way on 2013
hope it'll be better :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pagi Minggu yang mendung di kota Medan ini enaknya nyanyiin lagu galau...
Lagu galau ini pas banget bwt apa yg lgi aku alamin.. (cieeilh cem btol j) Sebagai seorang fans dari Raisa Adriana (knowing her ??? Klw g,cupu abis dh ), seorang solois Indonesia dgn suara dan sosok seperti bidadari, akhirnya lgu ny yang berjudul "Terjebak Nostalgia" lh yang  bakalan aku postingin disini..
Sedikit curhat ni,lagu ini asliny pke instrument cuman piano,krena kemahiran piano saya pas-pasan ,jadi dri malam minggu tuh aku latihan lagu ini pke gitar, dan g tw kenapa, prtama kali mainin lagu ini tuh NANGIS (galau abis,dh hujan", malam minggu lgi ). Emang sih lagu ini menggambarkan apa yang prnah aku alamin, tpi gtw kenapa efeknya cepat x terjadi..
Jadi langsung ja, ini dia  " TERJEBAK NOSTALGIA"- RAISA ADRIANA

Telah lama..
Ku tau engkau..
Punya rasa untukku..

Kini saat..
Dia tak kembali..
Kau nyatakan cintamu...

Namun, aku takkan pernah bisa ku..

Takkan pernah bisa merasa ..
Rasakan cinta yang kau beri...
Ku terjebak diruang nostalgia..

Semua yang kurasa kini..
Tak berubah sejak dia pergi
maafkan ku...
Ku hanya ingin sendiri
ku disini...

Jadi guys, mencintai itu hal yang sulit, begitu juga dicintai, karena tak selamanya mencintai itu terjawab dengan di cintai ^^

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Uppss... buku-ku dimakan kutu !!! Eitss, tapi ini kutu bukan kutu buku biasa tapi kutu imut yang gak bakalan ganggu kamu. Mau tau cara membuatnya ? Sangat mudah, cukup ikuti petunjuk berikut ya...

1.    Bahan-bahannya : Lem kertas, kertas karton, kertas HVS, kertas kado/motif lainnya,  
       gunting, penggaris, dan pensil.
2.    Gambar sebuah persegi dengan ukuran yang tidak terlalu besar (cukup 2,5 inchi x 2,5
        inchi) diatas kertas HVS untuk membuat polanya.
3.    Kemudian gambarlah persegi lainnya disisi atas dan kanan dari persegi awal, lalu
4.    Gambarlah garis diagonal seperti pada gambar dibawah ini lalu lipat sehingga
       terbentuk pola gambarnya, jangan lupa dilem ya.

5.    Lalu gambarkan ulang pola tadi diatas kertas karton, supaya rapi digambar dengan
       menggunakan penggaris.
6.    Guntinglah gambar pada karton tadi, rekatkan kedua sisi segitiga pada karton itu
       dengan lem.
7.    Kamu bisa menghiasnya dengan apa saja, jangan lupa tambahkan mata dan
       gigi-giginya ya supaya terlihat seperti kutu.

Kamu bisa berkreasi menggunakan apa saja yang ada disekitar kamu dan gunakan semua ide-idemu. Selamat mencoba ya !! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

“No Pain, No Gain” ( A MUST READ)

    Hi guys,welcome to IMC ( inscribe my chapter). Now, I will post an article that I quote from a magazine and I think that it’s important for you to read it, actually if you’re women. This is my 4th posting and now let’s start it !

Chapter I
    From the past, we have already known that the beauty dimension which is urged to women means a forcing and suffering for them. Even now, most of fashion or beauty magazine, from East to West, teach women that “Beauty is all about pain” and “No pain,no gain”.
    In national dictionary said that beauty is looking good,grace, and balanced. There’s no mention whether someone is said beautiful because of her sharp nose and slender in red-full-lip. There’s many experts in West try to describe what is exactly , we called beautiful or handsome, by now we just can explain that someone who is said beautiful/handsome one is have in symmetrycal and balanced facial features. So, a Hollywood artist is beauty because of the range of her eyes,nose and lip.
    You know the beauty dimension is changing rapidly. For example, in the middle century, an European lady is beauty if she had a guitar-shape-body, fertile, and can bear many girls. In 19th century , a lady is beautiful if he had a plup-swollen-body, especially in her hip. Even a country in Africa, a lady is beautiful if she is overweight cause they claim that a woman in overweight can bring wealthy and bear many children. And now, when at last 1960, after a trending of a super skinny model from England, beauty dimension is changing again. Beauty is very skinny, big eyes, long eyelashes. Woman try to diet and cause too many disease, like anorexia nervosa ( an eating problem which causes someone don’t want to eat anymore) and bulimia (diet by cough up the food that has been swallowed).
    This phenomenom is happen around the world. In China, there’s a tradition that called as Lotus Bud by seeing that small size of China girl is beautiful so their mom will wounded tightly their daughter’s feet. We can see the remain of this tradition in the feet of old China lady. A race in Africa seeing that a girl  in longer neck is beautiful so they make their girls to wear heavy metal to urge the neck growth longer. In Dayak race,Indonesia, there’s a tradition that seeing the beautiful girl is someone who has longer ears, so they make the girl using earring as much as they can.
    Nowdays, we just can see in our life. Beauty means around a girl who has thick and long hair, shining white skin,big ayes in long eyelashes, curve eyebrow, sharp nose, red lips, big breast, smallest waist, and skinny body.

Chapter II
    In West or East, both of them are the same. Woman is stressing by the need of using the beauty dimension which is forced by people and mass media.The concept is forcing woman to be skinny and white skin.This is the result of a soap factory  research, Dove, but there’s no advoidd for us to read it.
    - More of 50% of women said that they hate to see their body (Dove Internal Study,2002)
    - The model an actress who are showed in mass media are having less than 10% body   
       fat from the healthy catagories (British Medical Association,2000)
    - There’s only 19% of young girls in England is said overweight, but more than 67% of
       girls there believe that they need a diet to decrease their weight (UK Teen Body Image  
    - Most of young girls said that their mom are dislike to their own body (UK Teen Body
       Image Survey, 2004)
More of half audience realize that when they saw the banner or picture of a girl that is classification as the beauty one, so they feel ugly and uninteresting. Most of them said that if they can changed their body, the first one that they want to do is decrease their weight. Of course now we see the fact that is many women feel not confident.

Hmmm... after you see the description above,are you one of them ? I hope no one of you there. We must Realize the fact and try to solve this problem,actually about their beauty confident. I will post my next posting ,it’s still about a woman,yap,make-up, the fact and the reason of why you’re must not be able to belive in your brand. I hope you’ll leave a comment cause I wanna see your idea. Thanks for reading 

 Beauty is just being yourself.If you can accept yours, the others and the world will do it too for you.

I’m not a narssist but ‘d like to appreciate my self.

N.B :
About 4 days later,I was uploaded my first video on YouTube. Please check it on my channel: hennyrf94. Thank you 

Friday, July 27, 2012

I called him ABANG GANTENG

            Do you know who is he ? Guess it ! Yap, I called him Abang Ganteng (or in English it means “handsome guy”) coz he’s really handsome,cute, and neat, if we’re seeing him as a human. He’s my male  cat (I’m serious..). Of coursse, you know,my cat is not only grease but also sinewy with his strong legs. His cute face with olive green eyes and his amusing ears (owww.. you must believe me, he’s so cute) He, in his grey-white fur, just about six months right now, but his handsome talent is shining.

             If he is supposed to be a human , I think he will look like Taylor Lautner (knowing him ??? If not, how poor you are) ,cute and sinewy with his sexy skin.Because of his cute appearance, most of female cat in my nearby are crazy loving him. His strengh ?? Don’t ask me coz I’m so shy to talk about it. Perhaps cause of his rival is bigger so he thinks,”It’s better for me to hide,better than I’m being rotten and my face’s being crushed !” . If he’s fighting , he almost being lose,so he will choose to hide by my bedroom window.Because of fighting ,he had been wounded and taddaa... He’s being my first client.If it’s be like that , someone who feel so hurted,worried and scared is me cause I really love my pet.

              You need to know too,his meow sounds like piano coz it’s so tuneful. But he’s so quarrelsome and I just can said,”I hate a quarrelsome,fortunately,you’re handsome...”. I don’t know whether he understand what I said. Inattentive...

Monday, July 23, 2012


Fiuh.. Akhirnya selesai juga hahaha...
Hari ni daftar ulang bwt masuk ke kedokteran USU,tapi ngantrinya...PANJANG
Puasa + panas + capek = don't know how to express this feeling.
Bwt yang lain yang bakalan tes kesehatan dan daftar ulang ,datang cepat j tidak usah berdasarkan nomor urut. Y begitulah Indonesia,keluar dari jadwal,siapa cepat dia dapat
Wish the more better for tomorrow and hope everything gonna be OK 
Please,follow my blog :) or my twitter  https://twitter.com/hennyrf
Thanks for all of you for reading this post...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Brief Introduction

         This is my first post and as my simple introduction.Maybe it's an odd idea for someone like me to keep a diary,again and again :). No,it's not because I have never done so before,but cause it seems tahat who will be interested in the unbosomings of a girl in 17 years old like me.Still what does the matter ? I want to write,but more than that ,I think it's better cause now I'm writing in this blog and to ignore my dull life (yeay...)

         I'm thinking what I want to do in my melancholy days because right now I'm not a schoolgirl again :( . I have been graduated from my school in this year.Right now I'm still waiting to start my studying to be a doctor in University of North Sumatera ,something that being my dream for a long time.So,it's better for me to write and to start my blog.

         So,it's my brief introduction ,as my first post too.I promise that I,albeit unwillingly but with my pleasure,I will write this blog.